Welcome to Mike's homepage.
Me in Germany
Updated! About Me
People often ask why I fly fish. It's hard to explain that fly-fishing is more than simple recreation. It's spiritual; it's an art form that often becomes an attitude and a way of life. It's not about catching fish, it's about the pursuit.
It's the challenge of finding that one elusive trout, matching the hatch with a size 20 compara-dun, making the perfect cast and flawlessly presenting the fly to the trout. It's about having her rise up and effortlessly sip in the fly, followed by a tremendous burst of energy as she races upstream.
Once youve landed and held a fish, watching her breathe and gently moving side to side as she regains her strength, you realize that it's more than just a person catching a fish. It's two natural beings interacting in ways seemingly forgotten by most.
After thanking her for the experience and watching her swim back home, you realize what's it all about. It's enjoying the simple things in life, and remembering who we are and why we are here.
Cigars! Smoking notes and ratings
"War is not evil. Evil is evil, and sometimes we have to wage war to defend freedom." - COL John Antal, CDR, 16th Cavalry Regiment
This page is intended to keep everyone up on my life at the academy. I hope you enjoy the website. I will have to warn you, I like photos, so some of the pages may take a while to load. Please be patient!
Last Update: 4 February 2002
Here are the links to my pages:
New Summer 2001
Updated! Recent
Updated! My Fly Fishing page, a
tribute to my favorite sport.
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