Summer 2000- Time off at the Graham's
On my few weekends off at CTLT, I was able to go to my Aunt Nancy and Uncle Bill's place in Augusta, KS. I used to live in Wichita, so I also got to see some old friends. LOTS of pictures, so it's actually on few pages.
Fishing Farming Around the Farm Wichita
Fishing at the Graham Farm
A nice bass and 2 channel catfish. A 25" Channel Catfish, caught on a trotline!
The big cat, again.
Around the Graham Farm
The "Cliffs of Dover" The Forest
Mooo... A "wild" dinner... all from the farm.
My modes of transportation at the Graham's... A Dodge 1 ton, an ATV and ...yes... a golf cart!
Shooting trap at the farm.