Beaverkill and Willowemoc Rivers   November 1999

The Fly fishing club traveled about an hour and a half to the famous Beaverkill and Willowemoc rivers, looking for some wary brown and rainbow trouts.   Recent reports, along with my recent area recon (Beaverkill 1) told us that we would be seeing small (size 20-26) midge and olive hatches in the afternoon.  I tied up about 13 size 20's (hey, it's as small as I could manage), in hopes of taking some big trout.  Once again, the fishing was great, but the fish-catching left something to be desired.  The weather was beautiful and windy, which only hampered the fish-catching efforts, but made for a great trip.  We fished the Willowemoc in the morning, took a break for lunch and a trip to the fly shops in Roscoe, then we hit the Beaverkill in the afternoon.  We encoutered an incredible midge hatch in the late afternoon, but much to my dismay, the were about size 28.

The comradere didn't end at the river.  After encoutering hour long lines at three restaruants, we finally found ourselves at the Bright Star diner, where we all enjoyed a good dinner.  Below are some photos from the trip.

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The "Sunoco" pool of the Beaverkill. 

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"Sunoco" pool in late afternoon

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The Beaverkill river, at "Sunoco" Pool

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The Willowemoc River at Hazel Bridge Pool

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The Willowemoc River downstream from Hazel Bridge

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Four of the fisherman at the Willowemoc River

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Mike fishing the Willowemoc

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Me again...

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And again...


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